Improve your chances of getting paid by using this suggested debt collection timeline to chase your unpaid invoices. Once a payment to your business becomes late, you should take prompt action to chase it down. There is rarely any benefit to delaying, and a firm policy on debt collection can be a…
This checklist of information to provide to customers on telesales calls sets out all of the information you are required to provide to consumers during telesales calls (telesales calls are also called sales calls, telephone sales, or telemarketing calls). For example, you must state that your calls are…
This document provides a comprehensive list of questions that you could consider asking at an exit interview. An exit interview is an interview carried out by an employer with a member of staff who is leaving their business. There’s no legal requirement to conduct an exit interview, but they can provide you with…
It is important to have proper, legally compliant health and safety signs in your workplace. This simple downloadable guide shows you the different types of signs you might need and what the regulations say they must look like. It covers: no smoking; emergency exits/escape routes; firefighting equipment;…
Use this checklist for departing staff to tick off the various tasks you need to undertake when a staff member leaves your business, and make sure you don’t forget anything important. This checklist covers practical matters for the security of your premises, like returning keys, and administrative matters, like…
If you plan on transferring employees away from your business under TUPE, this checklist will help you to consider the practical steps you will need to take after the transfer has occurred. Use this checklist before the transfer takes place to help you make plans and put appropriate measure in place to deal…
If employees will be transferring to your business under TUPE, this checklist will help you to consider the practical steps you will need to take after the transfer has occurred. Use this checklist before the transfer takes place to help you starting making plans and putting in place appropriate measures in…
This is a guide to completing the paper AP02 form, which you will need to file at Companies House if you appoint another company as a new director of your company. This is known as a corporate director. The paper AP02 form should be used if your company is not registered for WebFiling. The AP02 form…
This is a guide to completing the paper AP01 form, which you will need to file at Companies House if you appoint someone as a new director of your company. The paper AP01 form should be used if your company is not registered for WebFiling. The AP01 form should be filed within 14 days of the date…
This annual action plan (health and safety) helps you plan your health and safety actions for the year. It sets out the most common health and safety checks you are likely to need to complete (on a daily, weekly, monthly, six monthly, annually, and five yearly basis) and allows you to efficiently record…
This step-by-step guide to applying for UK design registration online helps you to complete the online application for a UK design registration. Registering your design in the UK will give you broader protections than relying on unregistered design rights. By using this guide, you can minimise the risk of errors…
This step-by-step guide to applying for an EU trade mark online provides guidance on completing the Filing Form to register a trade mark online in the EU. If your application is straightforward, you should be able to complete the Filing Form without the need for a lawyer. If your application is more complex you…
Use this checklist for passing a board resolution to help you follow the right process when your directors make decisions. It covers both decisions made in board meetings and written board resolutions. Regular board meetings are a crucial aspect of most small companies' management and decision-making.…
You can use this checklist for passing a shareholder written resolution if your company uses the model articles. It is a step-by-step guide to what needs to happen to pass a written resolution of your company’s shareholders. Written resolutions are usually quicker and more straightforward for most companies…
There are a range of legal requirements and practical matters to consider when choosing a name for your company. This checklist summarises all of these considerations in a single page, so that you can thoroughly test your proposed company name before you register it. The consequences of failing to test…
Use these board minutes to change a company name if you want to get your directors' approval to a name change in a board meeting. Although you can change the name that you trade under if you want to, you cannot change the actual name of your company without following the proper process of…
Use these template board minutes at a meeting where the directors want to approve the pre-emptive offer of further ordinary shares to existing shareholders. A pre-emptive offer means that where you are issuing new ordinary shares for cash, you are required (unless these rights are disapplied)…
Use these board minutes of meeting to approve a transfer of shares in your company. It is important that you use these template board minutes when transferring shares, because if you do not follow the correct process the share transfer may be invalid and/or there may be disputes between the…
Use this sole director resolution template to approve a transfer of shares in your company. By using this template resolution, you ensure you follow the correct legal process and record the share transfer properly. Failing to follow the correct process can lead to a share transfer being invalid and legal…
Use these template board minutes to retrospectively approve an existing director’s service agreement (also called a director’s contract of employment) and/or letter of appointment of a director. By using this template you make sure you follow the correct legal process for approving an existing agreement…